Itel It2171 Password Recovery, Flash File Boot Key 100% Done
Itel-It2171 SPD 6531E Password Recovered only with one click via CM2 by Cell Solutions. Basically, Spreedtrum sets have a special boot key to protect any unauthorized flashing or amendment of their firmware. Nowadays there are many bars set famous in the market,Itel is one of such. None Android Phones are used only for basic functions, as calling or receiving a call or some small functions
Itel-it2171 Technical Specification.
Boot key and Flash file search at the end plz
Before we are doing any operation, some basic specifications are below,
Flash File Reading Logs,
Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle II : SC/RDA Module [SCR] v1.06
SCRD mode : AUTO
SPRD mode : SC6531 : REV : E000 : NOR : [ 4MB ]
Operation : Read Flash [ v1.06 ]
1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!
Wait for device ...
Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource : InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash : Control transfered!
Boot Done!
CS0_MEM : SPI : [WINBOND] : W25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]
Read Flash Ok, Size : 4.00 MiB
Platform Version: MOCOR_16A.Itel_W18.19.4_Debug
Project Version: it2171-G1808-EnBnMyUr-SA-20210112
MMI Version: it2171-G1808-EnBnMyUr-SA-20210112
HW Version: sc6531efm_bar
01-12-2021 11:43:23
LOG Version: V1.0.1
Saved to : C:\Users\Mughal\Desktop\it2171\MOCOR_16A.Itel_W18.19.4_Debug
Elapsed: 00:01:38
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Reading Screen Lock without Data Loss
You press only 'Read user code' in CM2SCR Tool Exe, or you should wand to Format the phone then press 'Format Fs' button, Any user data as contacts, messages, pictures are deleted.
Password Reading Logs,
1. Power off device
2. Press and hold BootKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!
Wait for device ...
Device Connected!
BootVersion : SPRD3
BootSource : InternalLibrary
BootVersion : Infinity SCR SC6531E Loader v 1.2
Port speed : 921600
FDL Flash : Control transfered!
Boot Done!
CS0_MEM : SPI : [WINBOND] : W25Q32 : 0x00400000 [ 4MiB ]
Reading data ...
STATE : ACTIVE : CODE : 786009
Elapsed: 00:01:10
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Precautions For Password
What do you do if you get a single password and it doesn't work? as 786009,
you should try to first 4 digits as 7860 or try separately, I hope you will get the correct password.
How to use a Boot key
1-Remove the batter from the set.
2-Press and hold the recommended Boot key.
3-Insert the USB cable into the mobile base, the second end connected to the PC port already.
4-At the same time put the battery again.
5-Your mobile will be detected and detect the correct bootloader if the boot key is correct.
Itel-it2171 6531E Password Lock readed via Boot Key 100% Done by Cell Solutions. You can get Flash File from Here